Part 2 – 101 Tips To Get Fit & Healthy
If you missed our first sneak peak of our 101 Tips To Get Fit & Healthy CLICK HERE to check them out!
It’s a new year, and in 2019 we want to help as many people as we can to reach their health and fitness goals. Here is our second snippet with 15 more tips!
Part 2 – 101 Tips To Get Fit & Healthy…
1.List out your weekly workout on a piece of paper and place it somewhere you look daily (the inside of your front door etc) – This will be your daily reminder to stick to your healthy lifestyle.
2. Do not drink more then 4-6 cups of coffee/tea per day.
3. Do not drink caffeine within 4 hour of going to sleep – Switch caffeinated drinks to herbal options such as chamomile and valerian tea before bed.
4. Get enough sleep every night – The previous tip can also help to make you feel more relaxed before bed.
5. Measure yourself weekly and set goals to reach – This way you keep yourself motivated to reach your goals.
6. Make sure you aim to have a calorie deficit, burning off more calories than you are eating.
7. Toppings such as cream, custard and ice cream can really add to the calorie content of desserts, so add sparingly or instead swap for yogurt.
8. Avoid all processed foods – This is a simple but very effective tip, processed foods should be avoided as much as possible!
CLICK HERE to read “10 Top Tips For Staying On Track This Winter”
9. Don’t drink sugar calories such as fizzy drinks – Try to choose juices or water instead. If you do not enjoy drinking water, try adding fruit to increase the flavour.
10. Eat healthy fats such as nuts, avocados, eggs and chia seeds.
11. Eat less salt, flavour with garlic or rosemary instead of salt.
12. Exercise for at least 30 minutes every day – CLICK HERE for our previous tips to stay accountable.
13. Be consistent, do not skip workouts!
14. Stay motivated – You can use social media to follow different fitness or nutrition pages, this way you will be given daily inspiration.
15. Book classes are your gym…
At The Fitness Lodge we have multiple trainers with extensive knowledge on nutrition, training and how to live a healthy life. To find out more click the APPLY NOW button below…